Diffraction with detector noise

Files can be found at: https://github.com/PaNOSC-ViNYL/SimEx-Lite/tree/main/docs/examples/diffraction_noise_geom

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py

from SimExLite.DetectorCalculators import GaussianNoiseCalculator
from SimExLite.DiffractionData import DiffractionData, SingFELFormat
from SimExLite.DiffractionCalculators import SingFELPDBDiffractionCalculator
from SimExLite.PhotonBeamData import SimpleBeam
from SimExLite.SampleData import SampleData, ASEFormat
from extra_geom import AGIPD_1MGeometry

Generate diffraction patterns

Uncomment the cell below if system environment module is needed

[ ]:
# from SimExLite.utils import modules
# modules.load('exfel' ,'openmpi-no-python')
beam_data = SimpleBeam(
    photon_energy=6000, # eV
    beam_size=[228e-9, 228e-9] # meter

sample_data = SampleData.from_file("2nip.pdb", ASEFormat, "sample")
# xyz_data = sample_data.write("4V7V.xyz", ASEFormat)

diffraction = SingFELPDBDiffractionCalculator(
    input=[beam_data, sample_data])

diffraction.parameters["number_of_diffraction_patterns"] = 5
diffraction.parameters["pixels_x"] = 273
diffraction.parameters["pixels_y"] = 314
diffraction.parameters["pixel_size"] = 800e-6 # 4X binning
diffraction.parameters["distance"] = 0.25
diffraction.parameters["clean_previous_run"] = True
diffraction.parameters["uniform_rotation"] = True


 - Parameters object -
uniform_rotation                    True                            If it's True, the orientations are fixed to ensure the SO3 space is always uniformly sampled. If it's False, it will be a random sampling complying a uniform distribution in the SO3 space
number_of_diffraction_patterns      5                               The number of diffraction patterns to generate
pixel_size                          0.0008     [meter]              The pixel size of the detector
pixels_x                            273                             Number of pixels in x direction
pixels_y                            314                             Number of pixels in y direction
distance                            0.25       [meter]              Sample to detector distance
clean_previous_run                  True                            Whether to clean previous run, it's set to False by default.
mpi_command                         mpirun                          The mpi command to run pysingfel

output = diffraction.backengine()
backengine python: /gpfs/exfel/data/user/juncheng/miniconda3/envs/simex-lite-dev/bin/python
Data collection:
key - mapping

singfelPDB_diffraction - <class 'SimExLite.DiffractionData.SingFELFormat.SingFELFormat'>: SingFELPDBDiffractionCalculator/diffr_2nip.h5

CPU times: user 5.26 ms, sys: 13.9 ms, total: 19.1 ms
Wall time: 43.9 s

Read generated diffraction patterns

fn = "./SingFELPDBDiffractionCalculator/diffr_2nip.h5"
# Ideal patterns
diffr_ideal = DiffractionData.from_file(fn, SingFELFormat, "diffr_ideal", poissonize=False, index=":2")
data_dict = diffr_ideal.get_data()
img = data_dict["img_array"][0]

# Poissonized patterns
diffr = DiffractionData.from_file(fn, SingFELFormat, "diffr", poissonize=True, index=":")
data_dict = diffr.get_data()
img = data_dict["img_array"][0]
plt.imshow(img, vmax=1)

Add AGIPD noise

This is described in this paper: DOI 10.1063/4.0000169

calc = GaussianNoiseCalculator(name="Gaussian", input=diffr)
out_data_collection = calc.backengine()
out_data = out_data_collection["diffr_GaussianNoise"]
data_dict = out_data.get_data()
img_gaussian = data_dict["img_array"][0]
plt.imshow(img_gaussian, vmax=1)
 - Parameters object -
mu                                  58.234                          The AUD/keV value of the one photon peak position, the unit needs to be consistent with that of the sigma slop and intercept. The default value is for AGIPD high-CDS mode.
sigma_slope                         1.814                           The linear fitting slope for sigma. The unit needes to be consistent with that of the mu value. The default value is for AGIPD high-CDS mode.
sigma_intercept                     9.041                           The linear fitting intercept for sigma. The unit needes to be consistent with that of the mu value. The default value is for AGIPD high-CDS mode.
chunk_size                          10000                           To manipulate the data in memory in chunk.
copy_input                          False                           If it's true, the output of this calculator a new copy from the input data will be used. File mapping input is not affected by this option and will always be copied.

Adding Gaussian Noise...
2023-08-18 16:14:51:GaussianNoiseCalculator:INFO: Convert back to nphotons...
Operation in 1 chunks
2023-08-18 16:14:51:GaussianNoiseCalculator:INFO: Get round values...
Data collection:
key - mapping

diffr_GaussianNoise - <class 'dict'>: dict_keys(['img_array', 'quaternions', 'geom', 'distance', 'pixel_mask', 'beam'])


Larger slop and intercept gets larger noise

calc = GaussianNoiseCalculator(name="Gaussian", input=diffr)
calc.parameters["sigma_intercept"] = 15
test_collection = calc.backengine()
img_test = test_collection.get_data()["img_array"][0]
plt.imshow(img_test, vmax=1)
 - Parameters object -
mu                                  58.234                          The AUD/keV value of the one photon peak position, the unit needs to be consistent with that of the sigma slop and intercept. The default value is for AGIPD high-CDS mode.
sigma_slope                         1.814                           The linear fitting slope for sigma. The unit needes to be consistent with that of the mu value. The default value is for AGIPD high-CDS mode.
sigma_intercept                     15                              The linear fitting intercept for sigma. The unit needes to be consistent with that of the mu value. The default value is for AGIPD high-CDS mode.
chunk_size                          10000                           To manipulate the data in memory in chunk.
copy_input                          False                           If it's true, the output of this calculator a new copy from the input data will be used. File mapping input is not affected by this option and will always be copied.

Adding Gaussian Noise...
2023-08-18 16:14:51:GaussianNoiseCalculator:INFO: Convert back to nphotons...
Operation in 1 chunks
2023-08-18 16:14:51:GaussianNoiseCalculator:INFO: Get round values...

Apply real detector geometry

geom_fn = "agipd_simple_2d.geom"
geom = AGIPD_1MGeometry.from_crystfel_geom(geom_fn)
<Axes: title={'center': 'AGIPD-1M detector geometry (agipd_simple_2d.geom)'}, xlabel='pixels', ylabel='pixels'>

The gaps are masked out with value -1

# Take the data with default AGIPD noise
out_data = out_data_collection.to_list()[0]
mask = out_data.apply_geom_mask(geom)
out_data_dict = out_data.get_data()
plt.imshow(out_data_dict["img_array"][0], vmax=1,vmin=-1)
Applying the mask...
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x2af2ee8a8d00>

Save the data in HDF5

with h5py.File("diffr.h5", "w") as h5:
    h5["data"] = out_data_dict["img_array"]